My hair is in horrific condition from years of blow-drying it on a nearly daily basis, dyeing it for three years, and then growing out my hair for two years without getting it cut. I can feel the tips of my hair are rough, no matter how much conditioner and hair oil I apply. My hair has never been the type of hair to be shiny, but recently this has really started to bother me. I WANT SHINY HAIR! Who doesn't? My hair breaks when I brush it sometimes, and this is always at the tips because a few years ago I bleached sections of my hair blonde (to put other colours like pink, purple and blue in, and I still cringe at the memory!) and those wee sections are at the very bottom of my hair and are only an inch or two long. But they're more damaged than the rest of my hair, and a lighter colour so they look more dull and make my ends look even more damaged than they already are.
I decided that as none of the other hair treatments I had been using could rescue my hair and at least make it look like it was semi-healthy, I would need to use something a bit more intense.
Yeah it's really hard to capture the true beauty of my split ends and properly do them justice. The white bits on the tips of my hair are split ends, but unfortunately (or fortunately maybe?) they didn't show up very well in the photo! :D I remember finding a hair that had split seven times (like a feather effect), and the time when my split end had a split end. </3 It's horrible and I think I'd need at least three inches of hair cut off to get rid of the worst. *sigh* I've cut it several times myself with proper hairdressing scissors and taken a good two inches off, but to no avail >< Oh well, I can get it cut once I grow it for another couple of months hehehe ^^
So I browsed the ethnic haircare section in Boots and read online reviews here on Dark and Lovely Ultra Cholesterol Treatment and after reading what other people said, I chose to give it a go.
I have to admit that at the start I wasn't sure I would like this product because I had never heard of hair cholesterol, and all I could think of was cholesterol that blocks arteries, so I was confused as to how and why people put it on their hair, but it got good reviews so I went for it.
The tub I bought was only £1.99 in Boots for a 250ml tub, which was great :D A lot of Boots' ethnic haircare seems to be quite cheap, so I would consider trying other products there.
This is what the product looks looks like the cholersterol we used to draw in heart diagrams for corinary heart disease! It's a gloopy consitency and obviously very yellow. I don't know how to describe the smell... but I really like it! It smells like something a salon would use? I don't know, but I really like the smell!
The first time I used this product I just left it on for 15 minutes (the instructions say 5 minutes is all that is needed but I always keep hair treatments and conditioners on for longer out of sheer desperation to improve my hair's condition) and rinsed it out as usual.
When I was rinsing it out my hair started to feel squeaky! When it was still damp it was elasticy and I could stretch and snap individual hairs, which kind of freaked me out. But I didn't want to comletely write it off so I continued using it, and I'm glad I did!
My hair no longer goes a weird texture and when I leave this in for around an hour in a shower cap it smells so good and feels really soft :D I would definitely recommend mixing this with honey though. When I'm using it I take the amount of product and put it in the palm of my hand, then pour an equal amount of honey on top, mix it between my hands and then just apply equally to both sides of my hair (avoiding the roots because I have oily hair and so ony ever use conditioners, masks etc. on the hair from just above my shoulders and down) and put a shower cap on and wait for as long as I feel like waiting.
After I use this treatment (around once a week) my hair feels so much nicer (: For only £1.99 I would recommend this if you have damaged hair. Of course, there is no cure for split ends apart from cutting them off, but this has a high amount of protein to help strengthen your hair and help prevent split ends in the future, as well as add shine and make your hair look and feel healthier.
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