Sunday, 14 September 2014

Mizon Snail Recovery Gel Cream Review

Uh okay, to begin, I would like to acknowledge the fact that it is indeed very weird to put snail mucus on your face for the sake of beauty.......let's move on with the product now that we've cleared that up xD

NB: If you don't want to read what it says on the box or see the ingredients etc the just scroll down till you see the writing in bold that tells you where the review begins ^^

The product:

Okay so this is the product in the box. As you can see there's a wee seal to show that this is an authentic Mizon product, and it's just a simple box with a wee snail to remind us all of what we're putting on our faces haha

If the box or bottle say anything worthwhile I'll write the translation here :)

The front just says "lightweight snail gel cream containinng 74%of snail secretion filtrate" in English but you can't see it from here lol

The back of the bottle:

It says:
"스네일 리커버리 젤 크림  [주름개선 가능성 화장품]"
--> "Snail Recovery Gel Cream [a product that can potentially improve wrinkles]"
basically, it's saying it can help reduce wrinkles

It also points out that it contains 74% snail mucus filtrate... yum!

"달팽이 힘과 활력을 되찾는데 도움을 주고 촉촉한 보습과 함께 매끈한 피부 결을 선사하는 달팽이점액여과물 함유 젤 크림"
--> "Snails regain strength and vitality, and this gel cream contains snail mucus filtration to help give skin a smooth texture."

oh god that was really bad hahaha as I did in my Missha foam cleanser review, I'm leaving the original Korean here so anyone who can read/understand it can get a good idea of what it means :D

This says all the same as the bottle (except for a wee reminder of the 74% snail fitration mucusy thing) and directions for use:
"스킨 케어 마지막 단계에서 적당량을 덜어내어 부드럽게 펴 바른 후 흡수시켜 줍니다"
At the last stage of skin care, squeeze out a suitable amount and dab lightly until it is absorbed.

However, one another side of the box instead of saying "at the last stage of skin care" it says to apply it "after cleansing".............o_O kind of confusing!

But I actually follow the English side and apply it after cleansing and before moisturising.
There's a reason for this and I actually had decided to apply it in this order before I received the product, because I had read that you should start with the lightest product (like toner, then moisturiser, then a serum) or the thicker stuff like serums will stop the products appleid after them from being absobed because they form a kind of protective layer over the skin and stop the thinner/lighter products from getting through to the skin to be absorbed ^^

Oh god I'm only after realising how long this post is... and I haven't even reviewed the product D:


Okay so after the directions for use, there's wee bullet point things that aren't on the English side (there's really not anything useful on the English side tbh).
I won't bother posting the Korean for these because they're short, so you'll have to trust me on this one hehe

Beneficial/effective ingredient: Adenosine

I actually googled this to see what the craic is with it, and it brought me to webmd which was talking about its uses for heart conditions and herpes and other stuff, so I was really confused hahahah but it is actually considered as a good anti-inflammaotry ingredient ^^

Effect: Helps reduce/improve wrinkles

Amount to use: take the appropiate amount of product and apply evenly
That was very unhelpful o_O

That's it for the packaging hahaha FINALLY!
I have so much respect for translators like it's so hard to translate even the shortest sentences ><
But I thought I should provide translations for people who don't speak Korean or can but are at a beginner/intermediate level... I had to use my dictionary for those a lot because some of the words are so random and I haven't studied them yet xD


So~ here we are, finally. You'll be relieved to know that I remembered that I was here to write a review rather than provide a line-by-line translation of packaging haha to be fair, I left out ingredients, right? eheh ;)

The product looks like this:

It's basically a clear gel, but I think it's a wee bit white? Okay well anyway, nothing spectacular to note about the appearance. I'm very aware of the amount I squueze out each time I use this because it seems as though there isn't a lot of product in the bottle becasuse the bottle keeps going in~~~~~~~~~~ and each time I'm like "dear god I'm using it all up!" even thought I've only been using it for a week D:
So yeah, Mizon, we want bigger portion sizes!! Portion? Portion haha we're gonna roll with the words "portion size" anyway.

So because I don't want to use too much, I always feel like I'm not using enough, while feeling that I'm using too much at the same time! When I'm squeezing the gel out I think I'm using too much, but when I'm applying it to my face I feel like I haven't used enough >< It's a vicious circle!!

I like to apply this to my face when it's slightly damp, because your skin apparently absorbs more moisture whenever it's a bit damp.

Have I noticed a remarkable difference? Not really, no.
Have I experienced any bad effetcs like break outs? Also no.

I'm kind of disappointed because I expected a wee bit of a difference. That being said I've only been using it for a week, so who knows, I could notice a big improvement in my skin's condition within the next few weeks.

If that happens to be the case (fingers crossed!) I'll update this review.
Actually, I'll update this review in around two weeks anyway to see if I notice a difference, get more frequent breakouts, or notice a calming in my facial redness or any scars fading. Not that I have scars btw, I mean like any marks from spots, back in the days when I got breakouts every day and my face always seemed to be covered in red marks from fading spots etc... the frequent breakouts may be a thing of the past (for now!!) but sometimes I have red marks still from breakouts so we'll see if I notice a difference in those.

So far I'm disappointed with this product because it doesn't seem to be making much of a difference to the condition or texture of my skin. It's like I wouldn't notice the difference if I took this out of my skincare routine right now.

But that could change with more frequent use! I'm just saying... don't expect immediate or overnight results!

Although, this product has like 74% snail secretion filtrate, right? I hate writing that hahaha but it has a high amount of the snail juice (juice? That sounds nicer in a way, but also even more disgusting) so it should help reduce redness and help scars heal quicker.

Do yous know the story of how snail mucus was discovered to have good effects on skin? Snail farmers in Chile began to notice that their skin was smoother and scars and small cuts began to heal quicker, and then it was discovered that it was because they had been handling snails and the snails mucus/slime had gotten onto their hands and its regenerative and healing properties improved their skin's condition. So there ya go, fun fact!

Lastly, how do I fit this into my skicare routine??

1) Face wash
2) Tea tree oil (on break outs)
3) Snail gel (on a damp face)
If I can be bothered, 4) Radiance booster
5) Moisturiser (+ ampoule if I want to make more effort or look fresher)
6) Serum
7) Suncream (8-hour sun cream, factor 50+, everyday)

My nighttime routine is the same, except I leave out the suncream and ampoule :)

I wrote about where I got this and how much it was in my Missha Creamy Latte Strawberry Cleansing Foam review in case anyone's curious about where I got it... cuz I usually try to find theeee cheapest place to buy them hahah of course this will vary by country!

If you got this far, thanks for reading!

Missha Creamy Latte Strawberry Cleansing Foam (딸기라떼 클렌징 폼) Review

Oh sweet mother of god I spent ages typing this review out and translating the Korean product information and thought I didn't save this hahah I found it!! So now I can publish it *sigh of relief* I accidently typed this out as a page instead of a post so was dying a little inside when it didn't show up in my post drafts o_O

After running out of my Simple cleansing face wash i decided to buy a new foaming one online, so did my research and found one of the cheapest Korean ones I could.

I've had an interest in Korean beauty products and trends ever since I started watching Korean dramas nearly three years ago, so instead of running down to Boots and buying a face wash I decided to try a Korean one for the craic.

It was a toss-up between the Missha one and the Holika Holika Daily Gardening Cleansing Foam. I went for the Missha one even though it was more expensive. The Holika Holika one was £4.13 and the Missah one was £4.19... a huge difference of 6p haha but the Holika Holika one was 120ml, compared to the 172ml Missha bottle. So of course I splashed out a whole 6p and went for the better value one! Plus, when I went to look at the Holika Holika one there was only the Olive Oil one and the Green Tea one left, and although I'm sure they're great, they weren't the ones most suited to my skin (the user provided the original description for each um flavour?) so I went for the strawberry Missha one.

This is the product ^^

On the front it says:
"Containing milk ingredients, it makes your skin clean, moisturised and nourished"

Obviously, the back is all in Korean, as it is from Korea.
the bit in pink says:

"칙칙하고 건조한 피부에 생기와 영양을 더하는 딸기라떼 함유 클렌징 폼"

Which I would roughly translate into:

"Strawberry Latte Cleansing Foam revitalises and nourishes dull and dry skin"

or something like that... it's hard to translate these things because of the different sentence order in Korean! If I went with the way it's written in Korean it'd read "Dull and dry skin on vitality and nourishment increasing Strawberry Latte Cleansing Foam"... uh yeah I'll stick with my translation, even if it doesn't sound all fancy xD

It also says:
" 피부에 영양을 공급하고 생기를 부여하는 딸기라떼 성분이 칙칙한 피부를 맑고 생기있게 가꿔줍니다" --> "The ingredients of strawberry latte, which provide nourishment and give vitality to skin, make dull skin appear clear and fresh."
Damn that one was hard to do hahaha 

" 상큼한 딸기라떼처럼 진하고 풍성한 거품이 부드럽게 피부를 감싸 촉촉하게 마무리 됩니다." --> "Just like a refreshing strawberry latte, these thick and plentiful bubbles gently cover the skin and leave it coated with moisture."
I dunno, that's the best I can do ^^"

I'm leaving the Korean here in case anyone here can read Korean themselves and see it in its original, untranslated state, and can maybe do a better job at translating it themselves hehe 

First of all, the smell! Aaaaaaaaah this smells like a strawberry milkshake <3 so good hehe my old face wash didn't even have a smell (because it was by the brand Simple) so it's such a luxury to me to get to be surrounded by such a sweet and cheerful smell everytime I wash my face!

Secondly, the texture. As you can see it's comes out in a solid wee pink blob, and although it doesn't show up on my camera, it's pearly. You only need a tiny wee bit and it goes a long way! I only need to apply a blob that size onto the palm of my hands, add a few drops of water, lather t between my hands and then rub it onto my wet face :D

focus on the pink blob and not THE VEINS!

yup, another vein pic... enjoy

Thirdly, how good a cleanser it is? This bad boy leaves my face feeling super clean! When I went back to squeeze any left over product from my old face wash to use (waste not want not!) I remember feeling so surprised when I was rinsing it off, because it didn't feel like it had properly cleaned my skin! I didn't feel as much skin as I do when I use the Missha face wash if ya know what I mean? Um I don't know hahaha I mean when I use the Missha face wash I know that it has thoroughly cleansed my skin and taken any makeup or suncream off, like it does a good job!

My skin is combination-oily skin (my chin and around my nose gets oily throughout the day, but my forehead is definitely on the drier side, and during winter months my whole face in general looks dry and in need of a little love), and my main concern with this product would be that it could possibly dry my skin out as it is very cleansing. It gets rid of everything on my face and leaves it feeling totally bear, so I'm not sure how this will feel in winter. Having said that, I think it'll be grand if I use my usual skin care products afterwards because I use toner (when I can be bothered),moisturisers, suncream, serum, oil, snail gel...the works! 

My friend, who always complains about her skin being dry, tried it out when I was at hers getting ready to go out and she had no problems with it and loved the smell, so it should be fine on dry skin too because it contains milk extracts :)

I think that after this one runs out (looking into the distant future here because the bottle is a proper full-size bottle and you only need a wee bit every time you use it, so I reckon this'll last me a loooooooooooong time), I'll try the chocolate flavour one to mix it up hahaha 

nice, big bottle, don't need much product (goes a long way hehe)
good value (from where I bought it online)
great smell <3
thoroughly washes face... leaves it squeaky clean 
not too drying on my skin

might dry out dry skin
can't really think of any more :D

Anyway, as you can tell, I really like this product and would definitely recommend it (especially to those with oily/normal skin) and it's really good value, because the user I got it off (sing-sing-girl; she sells loads of Korean cosmetics and beauty products and has free p&p and includes like two wee samples with each purchase) sells products quite cheaply and, as I mentioned, has free postage and packaging :)

I actually bought my Mizon Snail Recovery Gel Cream from her for like £3.67 (I'll post a review of this soon and link it here as well), and have been creeping through everything she sells... but I ended up buying a Memebox (the From Jeju box) today which cost me
£15.87 (I had $5 of meme points so the box went down from $29.99 to $24.99 -->
£15.87 inc. p&p) so now I'm like "oh crap I really need to stop buying so much crap online ><" because I slowly built up a collection of clothes for uni and ended up buying stuff on ebay too because I finally got my PayPal account set up...  IT'S A CURSE!! So now I can only window shop on ebay until I get paid at the end of the month </3

I wish we had beauty products like Korea, but I'll have to wait until I go to Korea to get them easily hahah or wait until my Korean penpals send some :D 

Turmeric Face Mask

Haldi, turmeric, whatever you call it, has been seen as the holy grail in Indian skin care.
People who use it boast that it has the ability to lighten skin, fight acne, fade scars, prevent aging and more!
So I decided to give a turmeric face mask a try myself.
I like to use a mask of instant coffee, cocoa powder, honey and some milk to make it more liquidy.

I added half a teaspoon of turmeric into this mix and applied as usual.
I had read that turmeric stains, and from adding it into dishes when I cook, I knew this to be true.

But people on the internet  had promised that the orangery colour either wasn't as dark as they thought it would be, or that it faded within one or two washes so I had a little faith in them and went ahead with it!
My initial thoughts after rinsing the mask off was that my face was most definitely orange! I mean oompa loompa orange o_O

But that didn't worry me because I had been expecting it.

My family sure as hell was not expecting it hahaha they laughed at me a lot, but inside my head I was like, "one this washes off, my skin will be amazing," so I felt all superior.

That feeling disappeared as soon as I woke up the next morning.

I put the last two pictures in black an white for your benefit haha the other ones were so orangey, and because they were taken when it was dull outside in the morning the lighting and exposure is too bad for yous to really appreciate the condition of my skin hahaha

So it's fair to say that it did the total opposite of what I was expecting.
I broke out, and this was only my skin the morning. By nighttime that night my skin felt worse than it had ever felt in years.

Whenever I ran my hands over my chin I could just feel lots of wee bumps, and I was dreading going to school hahah so not only was my face bright orange (it STILL hadn't rinsed out ><), but I also had a hundred new friends growing on my face o_O

Oh turmeric, holy grail of India, why have you let me down so? ㅠㅠ

Tbf I went online and researched this mess, and read that it could be part of a process called "extraction" where it's basically pulling all the crap from my skin and breaking me out, but after the breakout my skin will be really good. So kind of like seeing a rainbow after a storm, right? Wrong hahah

Unfortunately for me, my bad skin continued for around four days, BUT it died down significantly like I didn't have to go to school with that many whitehead things on my chin (thankg god)  but it took a good few days to settle down o_O

However, when I went to google this, it was hard to come across much because most people had no problem with it whatsoever ad said their skin felt amazing afterwards. So this is only my experience! If you want to try it then go ahead, I hope you get better results than me :D

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Dark and Lovely Ultra Cholesterol Review

Okay so my hair's current condition... Aaaaaah where to begin?!  

My hair is in horrific condition from years of blow-drying it on a nearly daily basis, dyeing it for three years, and then growing out my hair for two years without getting it cut. I can feel the tips of my hair are rough, no matter how much conditioner and hair oil I apply. My hair has never been the type of hair to be shiny, but recently this has really started to bother me. I WANT SHINY HAIR! Who doesn't? My hair breaks when I brush it sometimes, and this is always at the tips because a few years ago I bleached sections of my hair blonde (to put other colours like pink, purple and blue in, and I still cringe at the memory!) and those wee sections are at the very bottom of my hair and are only an inch or two long. But they're more damaged than the rest of my hair, and a lighter colour so they look more dull and make my ends look even more damaged than they already are.

I decided that as none of the other hair treatments I had been using could rescue my hair and at least make it look like it was semi-healthy, I would need to use something a bit more intense.

Yeah it's really hard to capture the true beauty of my split ends and properly do them justice. The white bits on the tips of my hair are split ends, but unfortunately (or fortunately maybe?) they didn't show up very well in the photo! :D I remember finding a hair that had split seven times (like a feather effect), and the time when my split end had a split end. </3 It's horrible and I think I'd need at least three inches of hair cut off to get rid of the worst. *sigh* I've cut it several times myself with proper hairdressing scissors and taken a good two inches off, but to no avail >< Oh well, I can get it cut once I grow it for another couple of months hehehe ^^

So I browsed the ethnic haircare section in Boots and read online reviews here on Dark and Lovely Ultra Cholesterol Treatment and after reading what other people said, I chose to give it a go.

I have to admit that at the start I wasn't sure I would like this product because I had never heard of hair cholesterol, and all I could think of was cholesterol that blocks arteries, so I was confused as to how and why people put it on their hair, but it got good reviews so I went for it.

The tub I bought was only £1.99 in Boots for a 250ml tub, which was great :D A lot of Boots' ethnic haircare seems to be quite cheap, so I would consider trying other products there.

This is what the product looks looks like the cholersterol we used to draw in heart diagrams for corinary heart disease! It's a gloopy consitency and obviously very yellow. I don't know how to describe the smell... but I really like it! It smells like something a salon would use? I don't know, but I really like the smell!

The first time I used this product I just left it on for 15 minutes (the instructions say 5 minutes is all that is needed but I always keep hair treatments and conditioners on for longer out of sheer desperation to improve my hair's condition) and rinsed it out as usual.

When I was rinsing it out my hair started to feel squeaky! When it was still damp it was elasticy and I could stretch and snap individual hairs, which kind of freaked me out. But I didn't want to comletely write it off so I continued using it, and I'm glad I did!

My hair no longer goes a weird texture and when I leave this in for around an hour in a shower cap it smells so good and feels really soft :D I would definitely recommend mixing this with honey though. When I'm using it I take the amount of product and put it in the palm of my hand, then pour an equal amount of honey on top, mix it between my hands and then just apply equally to both sides of my hair (avoiding the roots because I have oily hair and so ony ever use conditioners, masks etc. on the hair from just above my shoulders and down) and put a shower cap on and wait for as long as I feel like waiting.

After I use this treatment (around once a week) my hair feels so much nicer (: For only £1.99 I would recommend this if you have damaged hair. Of course, there is no cure for split ends apart from cutting them off, but this has a high amount of protein to help strengthen your hair and help prevent split ends in the future, as well as add shine and make your hair look and feel healthier.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

T.E.N Cremorlab Mineral Treatment Essence Review

I got this bad boy in the Memebox (4th Global Edition) cuz I'm too broke to pay like £30 ($36) for a toner eheh 

As you can see, it just comes in a normal toner bottle..but it's quite pretty (:

This is what the memebox people had to say:

 Dayum it was hard to take that picture! My camera struggles with close-ups... *sobs and gives up*

When I first used it, I hated it, as did my friend who got the same edition Memebox. It totally dried our skin out, and I'm looking to hydrate my poor skin, not squueze precious moisture out of it!

However!! I decided that instead of applying it with a cotton pad (as was suggested) I would try to apply it with my hands, as I had heard that that was the preferred method of toner application in Korea (apply with a cotton ball to use toner as a second cleanse after washing your face, but apply with your hands if you're using the toner for its moisturising properties) and BOOM! I fell in love with it :D

My skin feels much softer now and you only need a really small bit to pat onto your face. Once it has been patted in it absorbs immediately and leaves my face feeling refreshed and clean ^^ 

I like to apply this toner in the evening and not really in the morning because I can't be arsed with it so early. I apply it before bed after washing my face, and then pat it onto my skin with clean hands. After that I apply moisturiser and my skin feels so smooth.

My skin is very reacts to so many face washes it's awful ahaha and it's always always red, which drives me crazy, because I'm really pale and my red face looks weird with my white neck and pale hands...grrr ><

But my face didn't react badly to this one thankfully, although I must admit that I was a little hesitant to put in on my sensitive skin as the bottle claimed that it would whiten skin, which made me think that it would be too strong and chemical-y for my skin. 

Thankfully this wasn't the case, and even my super-sensitive skin was able to handle this toner.
As for the skin whitening...I haven't noticed a difference in my complexion.

Leaves skin feeling soft
Helps moisturiser to absorb
Only a small amount is required
Was alright on sensitive skin
Doesn't dry skin out

I didn't actually notice any whitening on my slightly red skin
I'm not a huge fan of the bottle
Very drying if applied according to instructions (i.e with cotton wool)

Would I buy it again?
Probably not. It's nice to use because I have it, but I wouldn't go out of my way to repurchase.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Orange Peel Powder

Okay, so I mentioned in my About Me section that I was in the process of drying out orange peel to grind up...
Today is the day (':

Although it's April now, because I live in Ireland it took a wee bit longer for the sun to dry the orange peel completely and I ended up transporting the plate of peel to various locations in my house to chase the sun, such as the bathroom windowsill, my bed, the corner of my room, the patio flooor...
But now it's finally ready to get grinding ehehe
So, the orange peel should look something like this (I think?):

This is the peel of two oranges, with as little of the white pith as possible, because the surface has the most vitamin C, which is what we're looking for, so the white isn't important for this (:
And they had been cut into small strips to make the drying process quicker and easier ^^
So, the next step is...the food processor!
I don't think my family actually has a food processor, but it's a wee machine with spinning blades so I'm gonna just go with it~

After blending it for a bit it started looking like this:

But obviously this isn't powdery enough so I kept on blending on like a trojan!
Unfortunately for this mixer thingy we have to hold it down and keep pressing the 'turbo' button for it to actually work its magic... and after what seemed like an eternity of holding (and even shaking) it, this was all the progress I made:

As you can see, it's still got little lumps in it and all around the edge of the container is a fine powder

If only it all looked like this.. grr ><
And seeing as I have A-Levels soon I thought I would just leave the rest of the blending until my next study break...and then promptly got distracted by watching My Queen (敗犬女王) so I suppose I should actually work now and come back to this later!

Right so I kept on going for a while later on, and got it into a fine enough powder (:

So now it looks like this, and I'm just going to have to put it in some kind of container.

I had read that a good mask to use this orange peel powder stuff with would be one made with orange peel powder, multani mitti and some milk, as it is good for lightening skin (not always for paleness, because I'm pale enough, but for reducing redness, which I have too much of, reducing acnes scars or uneven skin tone) and drawing out impurties.
Unfortunately, my multani mitti (or Fuller's Earth) is still in the post so I can't try this mask out as soon as I wanted, but it's good to make the ingredients like orange peel powder in advance to save me the bother when I need it :D

Thursday, 24 April 2014

DIY Pore Strips

I was watching an Indian film called '3' and admiring how clear the lead actress' skin was

the actress mentioned, Shruti Haasan
 And so I took a good look at my own skin in the mirror, trying to figure out how my skin looked twice as old as her, depsite her being around 10 years older than me.
Then I saw it... my pores! I noticed that the skin without large pores looked much younger than the skin around my nose, chin and (especially) my forehead ><

Sorry for the close-ups hehe but as you can see, I do have large pores and because of these I feel that I have been robbed of that 'youthful glow' that all of my friends seem to have! Aaaaah there's no justice in the world....
But it's not the end of the world! This is my face without any makeup at all (obviously lol) and no moisturiser, so although it looks dull, it's not as bad as in the photos.
The reason for the large pores on my forehead is me! I'm totally to blame; I admit it ><
I had a full fringe for two years, and before that, I had a side-fringe for two years, so I completely neglected my forehead when it came to skincare. And because I have oily skin and hair, I would aoid using moisturiser on it because it would make my fringe look greasy.
Of course, now I'm paying the price for that! Four yeas of neglect is not easy to rewind *sigh* But I've been working hard at that and applying suncream religiously, moisturising and using coconut oil.
Okay but to be fair, I also read that genetics can strongly influence whether or not you have big pore. After looking at my family's faces (as subtly as possible) I saw that we all had big pores... so I suppose I didn't stand a chance!
It's a good thing in that I'm not entirely to blame, but it's also bad cuz it means I can't really do anyting to change this ><

So because of this little discovery of mine I researched about how large pores make your skin look older, and sure enough I found many dermatoligists saying how as we age, our skin loses its elasticity, and because of this loss of elasticity and collagen the pores widen with age.
And being the cheapskate that I am, I went on to look into DIY pore strips and came across several remedies such as multani mitt and egg whites
However, I also came across Michelle Phan's DIY pore strips recipe:

So I went to buy in some gelatin in B&M.
Um they didn't actually have any of the unflavoured stuff, so I went for lemon flavoured jelly...which I'm now thinking was a big mistake seeing as it has to be mixed with milk o_O

Okay I've made up the mixture and applied it ot my face! The wait begins!!

The ingredients I used were a teaspoon of milk and this packet of jelly cubes (I know it's the wrong type, and right now with this on my face I have the sneaking suspicion that I just made jelly and out it on my face to sit!) which I chose for their lemon flavour. Foolish me looked at the strawberry, orange and lemon packets and chose lemon because of its skin lightening and pore tightening qualities.
It doesn't even have real lemon in it... but oh well it's been bought and is currently sitting on my face so I'll stop being so bitter about this :D

Once I microwaved the milk and jelly together it turned out like this:

So i just gave it a good stir with a makeup brush I don't use :D

I tested it out on my hand to feel the temperature and it was fine so I went ahead and blobbed it on my face

I also put it on my chin cuz I have big pores there, but it didn't show up well in the picture and it wasn't even worth posting so... hahah
The longer I sit here and feel my face, the more I'm becoming convinced that I just made jelly and put it on my face... tell me it isn't so! D:

This stuff isn't hardening up like Michelle Phan's, and it's squidgy to touch... least we know now that you shouldn't try to substitute ingredients like jelly :D
I'm still gonna see how this works out, cuz I'm really curious!!

Yeah it's official...I just made face jelly ><
It didn't work...never try this!!
hahahaha but it smelt nice and lemony fresh~~
It peeled off (eventually!!) like this:

It took me over an hour waiting on this jelly... dayuum
and the jelly was soooo hard to get off, so I just washed my face in the end and got rid of all the gunk.

DIY pore!

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

About Me

Hello, 你好, 안녕하세요~
Well it's my first time doing this, so I think I should make my first post about me? Maybe? Hehe okay, I convinced me ^^
I'm called Aoife, I'm 18 and I'm from Ireland :D
Although I live in Ireland now, after university I hope to be teaching English abroad so I can finally go to South Korea (especially Busan) and Taiwan (for Taipei). So because of this, I study Korean...sometimes ^^;;
I became really interested in weird DIY and natural beauty things (although it never seems to transform me in the way I hoped grr >< ) around two years ago when I started watching Korean dramas (and then many other Asian dramas) and noticed that the actresses always seemed to have perfect skin! 
From watching these dramas, I saw amazing hairstyles and clothes too, and I felt really jealous seeing how pretty these actresses were and how they suited anything they wore >< 
So I decided to try it out myself, and began growing my hair (a work in progress) and trying different styles
These days, I'm getting kind of obsessed with Indian beauty secrets, and am in the process of drying out orange skins to grind for face masks, and I'm eagerly waiting the delivery of some multani mitti ^^
So if any of these things pay off, I'll write it up here :D
Thanks for reading! If you didn't...I can't really say I blame ya ^^;